We’ve added a new feature that will come in handy for adding information from Wolfram|Alpha into your next blog post or presentation: you can now easily save results pods from Wolfram|Alpha as GIF images.
Here’s a quick walk-through to get you started. First, enter a query into Wolfram|Alpha, such as “1 cup of oatmeal + ½ cup of milk + 1 tsp of sugar“. You can then save results by right-clicking on the pod you want, then clicking on the “Generate image of output” icon that appears in the lower right corner of the popup pod.
Below is an example of a resulting image:
This functionality also allows you to capture any adjustments made to results pages through the use of available options. For example, if you click on the “Show mesh” button when exploring a map of Canada in Wolfram|Alpha, this setting will be preserved when an image of the output is generated.
We hope that you will find this feature valuable the next time you’re preparing a visual presentation, or want to save a particularly interesting result. Are there other kinds of user features would you like to see incorporated into Wolfram|Alpha? Let us know!
Also, if you are interested in testing new features before they go live, apply to be a preview tester.
Wow, this is really great and would for sure come in handy for me!
Thanks guys!
While I generally appreciate such a feature being existent, I have two questions about it. Firstly, isn’t this just adding a link to the image that is already displayed anyway (and that happens to be a GIF)? And secondly, why did you choose GIF in the first place, which has disadvantages such as a very limited palette and no real alpha channel (resulting in quite aliased pictures, especially for text)?
Regards, Jannis.
You are correct in saying that we are just adding a link to the displayed information. Since the information already exists as GIFs, we were able to add this additional functionality without a lot of overhead. However, this image can then be copied and placed in other documents, allowing researchers and students to use Wolfram|Alpha results in a more customized fashion.
Is Wolfram under any Creative Commons licencing? I’d love to pull off pictures and use them without having to worry too much about copyrights.
Hi MC8, Please check out Wolfram|Alpha’s Terms of Use for full details. Thanks!
Definitely useful! Much better than my old method of taking screen caps.
The link to the Image is wrong
It should be http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Map+of+Canada
instead of
Please change
Thanks for notifying us about the link, Neil. It’s been updated.