Computational Knowledge in Practice: Inside the Wolfram|Alpha Project
At the recent London Computational Knowledge Summit, Wolfram|Alpha content manager C. Alan Joyce gave attendees an insider’s look into Wolfram|Alpha. He shared how Wolfram|Alpha’s teams of Mathematica programmers, knowledge-domain experts, and data and linguistics curators have been able to transform raw data from public and private sources into “computable knowledge” that can be accessed and manipulated through natural-language input. Click the image below to view the video of his presentation:
Video by River Valley Technologies
Data acquisition, data curation, linguistics curation, and dynamic visualization are four of Wolfram|Alpha’s key focus areas. Which of those is most fascinating to you?
I am going to watch the video. Increasingly the ideology of Wolfram|Alpha (and Mathematica) have become very interesting to me.
Personally, I am more fascinated by linguistics curation and computation in general. I am planning lately of getting my masters and I am still in a crossroads deciding what to study for and the Wolfram|Alpha team sharing of knowledge has been helping in deciding.
Keep up the good work.
backlink added to news here is this article
Haha, shouldn’t you be charging for that kind of kowneldge?!
Please can you post a transcript. There seems to be an echo but my hearing is none too good anyway.