The Wolfram|Alpha Community Forum has moved to the Wolfram Community. Sign up today for interesting discussions about Wolfram|Alpha and more!
We have been working diligently to add your suggested features to the Wolfram|Alpha Community site, and we are pleased to announce that over the next few days you should notice new features there. We hope these changes improve the usability of the site and encourage new people to join the lively discussions.
One of the more notable improvements is the ability to browse posts by category. Categories are now visible from the main toolbar so you can simply jump to posts that interest you. Whether math, science, education, culture, living, or more, there is a place to post your questions and comments.
We also have a new “resolved” feature for posts that have been successfully addressed by either the Community or the Wolfram|Alpha Team and suggestions that have been implemented on Wolfram|Alpha or the Community site. When you click the “Resolved” button, an email is sent to the Wolfram|Alpha Team suggesting the post is resolved. If the Wolfram|Alpha Team agrees the post has been adequately addressed, the post will then appear under the Resolved tab, available for viewing in just one click.
Other new features include automatically updated pods in the sidebar featuring the most recent posts from the Wolfram|Alpha Team and on the Wolfram|Alpha Blog, improved search, and the Wolfram|Alpha navigation bar at the top of the site.
We plan to make further improvements to the Community, and would love to hear your ideas about how we can make it better. Please post your ideas under the Usability tab on the Wolfram|Alpha Community once it goes live.
Good job guys! Improve the Community site was extremely necessary. I still wait some other improvements like a warning for who’s going to post a comment/question which is very similar to a previous one, or to post some comment/question already resolved.
Again, good job!
Speaking of general community improvement, it would be nice if we could navigate from the blog back to the main site. :X
What is the function of ‘show/hide’ in the lefthand column of the forum?
What sre ‘Published’ stories?
Thank you, guys. We’ve been waiting for such things since the community was created, and it now it happened!
How did those people on this page whose signatures are in red, communicate the fact that they had registered with W|A?
The user names above appear in red because they entered a web address in the comment form.
Thank you.
>Speaking of general community improvement, it would be nice if we could navigate from the blog back to the main site.
How about a link at the bottom?
Also agree, great improvements. And yes being able to search a topics or posts should I say, by category will be a great time saver.
And yes being able to search a topics or posts should I say, by category will be a great time saver.