We love all the feedback that comes pouring in from the Wolfram|Alpha community, and iPhone users have been begging to have Wolfram|Alpha just a touch away since the beginning. We invite you to checkout the Wolfram|Alpha iPhone and iPod mobile page that lets you compute queries, watch the Wolfram|Alpha overview video, view our gallery of examples, and more, all while on the go. See below for instructions on how you can add the Wolfram|Alpha icon to your home screen.
We have also noted the wide interest in having a full Wolfram|Alpha application for the iPhone and other mobile devices. Tell us more! What bells and whistles would be in your ideal Wolfram|Alpha application? Join the the conversation on this topic taking place on the Wolfram|Alpha Community site.

iPhone Mobile Page
I’ve to admit that wolfram|alpha on my iPhone OS is handy information for my exams of calculus.
Why are you devoting resources to getting W|A working on IPhones before it is profitable? I would have thought that investment would be safer focussed on improving its performance on PCs to the point where it was profitable rather than risk running out of funds.
Am I missing something?
I think this is a common concern of many W|A fans. I really hope W|A will become profitable as soon as possible to support its further develpment. Are there any discussions on this topic?
In today’s smartphone environment, how can they afford not to support mobile platforms? It’s a trivial amount of work to have a mobile format of the page, plus it increases traffic to the site.
Can you please make a version for the Google Android G1?
Here are a few ideas of what I see a dedicated app doing:
– Utilize the phone’s location awareness capabilities
– Access to saved or previous queries
– Dynamic updating of previous queries such as stock/financial data
– Sending or saving of the PDF and Mathematica outputs. If the professional version of the service will allow storage on your server then it can go there or to an iDisk/DropBox account
– Direct linkage between the app and Mathematica for those users who have Mathematica for sending data between the applications
– Keyword searching the results of saved queries
– Integrate other data on the device such as address book – what is the weather where my parents live (current and historical)
– Ability to participate in the community through the apps interface
– Send query results though MMS, email…
Bam! I’ve been waiting for a mobile W|A app… nice work! Unfortunately I won’t be able to use the iPhone app since I have a BlackBerry Bold, but hopefully there will be a mobile client for BlackBerries sometime soon.
The iPhone client looks great! Keep up the great work!
The search page come up great, but once I do a search on something the website reverts to the standard website. It isn’t formatted to the iphone it has all the adds and I have to zoom out to get the whole width of text into view. Is this a bug? From the picture above it looks like the results are iphone formatted as well.
Wow. W|A has had this since launch. Like people have said, either work on a dedicated app, or work on adding new features. All we’ve seen so far were a bug fix every week or so.
W|A should detect when it is being loaded by a mobile device and display a mobile friendly version of the website. This is not rocket science, it is just savvy.
A followup to my earlier note. The latest Evernote iPhone app has an excellent interface for navigating through saved notes. It would be really helpful if an app had a similar way to navigate saved WA queries.
Voice recognition would be awesome. Saved entries too. Oh and include Control Engineering tools into W|A, (root locus, etc.)
Great app, can’t wait for the blackberry version. Thank you!
This mobile version is broken right now. I used it and it keeps jumping back to normal version.
Why isn’t there one mobile site for ALL systems – iPhone, BlackBerry OS, Android and Windows Mobile? Why is there only support for Apple users? They aren’t the majority!
Please create a mobile version of the site and a native Android app. At least just a mobile version of the site. I would but I’d have to pay to use the API.
Another vote for an Android app.
Excellent work so far.
Please support windows mobile as well! There are many other types of smart phone.
I would like to see an Android version too
Great job so far!
I would like to know if there is a Windows Mobile version??
Hi Cory, Good news! The Wolfram|Alpha App for Android is now available. Visit the link below for more details. Thank you!
Hey Wolfram, brother, when you gonna make a version for windows mobile? there are many users of WM phones, just look the comments wolfram friend, saluts¡ from WinMou fans 🙂
And you are the best Wolfram¡
+1 android port. iphone app is the best $2 i’ve spent in the app store.
The Wolfram|Alpha App for Android is now available. Visit the link below for more details. Thank you!
Will there be any movement on support for Windows Mobile?
What is the point in just having it for iPhone?
Not everyone uses iPhone.
Good news! The Wolfram|Alpha App for Android is now available. Visit the link below for more details. Thank you!
Hell… Honestly, I cant understand why there is such an push on a product that is just low quality… Please do some versions for Windows Mobile and Android too…
Just because you can earn money with the morons who buy an iPhone and dont know what to do with it…
Im begging you… C´MON!!! 🙂