How do you get to your Wolfram|Alpha? Perhaps you type the URL. Perhaps you use a bookmark. Or perhaps you use one of the many toolbars, widgets, gadgets, and the like that we’ve created.
Whether you’re a casual user of Wolfram|Alpha or an enthusiast, we have designed several cool tools that put Wolfram|Alpha at your fingertips.
Give these tools a test drive and tell us what you think.
You can access all of these through the Downloads link at the top of Wolfram|Alpha.


Setup Options

Mac OS X Dashboard Widget
Thats pretty nice, I wish there was a Vista Sidebar widigit or a Yahoo! Widigits one. Would be great.
Keep up the good work!
You guys have really covered all of the bases… except for a BlackBerry app 🙂 … that would be much appreciated. Using the W|A website on a BlackBerry, even over WiFi, is a bit of a painful experience.
I second the request–Wolfram Alpha would be an amazing BlackBerry app.
please make the app bb users need it more than anything
A year and a half later, still no app for BB? What’s up?
Just a several tips for Opera users.
Though Wolfram Alpha doesn’t supply an Opera widget, you can get instant access to the system in two mouse clicks. Open Wolfram|Alpha, click on the input field with your right mouse button, select “Create Search”, type something in “keyword” field and click OK. That’s done.
Keyword is a short combination you’ll be able to call W|A with. For example, if you enter “wa”, you will be able to call W|A by typing “wa Microsoft vs. Google” in the address bar.
Thank you so much, I’ve been trying to figure that out for months!
Fine. II have installed the Toolbar and deskband.
During the install a window asks if the User accepts the terms and conditions. By default the flag is set to ‘accept.’ I suggest it be left blank so as to require the user to take a positive action rather than accepting the conditions completely blind.
is there any plan for some toolbar for Opera?
I know, Opera users are not a big community, but…
I use key words in firefox.
(right click in the wolfram search box > add key word)
then in firefox url bar I type:
“wf my request” (wf is the keyword I choose)
“wf distance moon jupiter”
easy & powerfull !
Just great!
Can you add the Wolfram Blog to the tool bars?
Yes. You use a download to add the Wolfram Toolbar shown in the top left of the image above. Mine includes3 tabs:-
-WolframAlpha Blog, Community, and LIVE.
Nice, I was waiting for the Firefox search AddOn.
One thing I’d like to advice – on may pages the search engine bar lights up blue and informs users that they can add the search. That is much nicer then installation via a download-link.
Thanks for this nice product!
Also if folks have Mathematica, there is a tool for sending queries to Wolfram|Alpha directly from Mathematica. It can be downloaded from:
Your support for the Mac seems rather light – a dashboard widget is the only option. Most of my co-workers and I have dashboard disabled on our computers. What would be really useful is a toolbar button in the Safari browser.
The buttons on the toolbar seem to link to broken sites, i.e. [0], [2], [3], [4], [5], [c], [d], [t]. [p] requires a login.
Hello Kaleb,
I was unable to duplicate this error. Were you asked to log in when clicking on a link in the blog post, or when you were trying to download one of these tools?
Thank you!
I see similar problems with FF3 toolbar. The [0], [2], [3], [4], [5], [c], [d], [t]. [p]. Broken links for all. When I look at the add-ons list, the toolbar is listed as “Wolfram Toolbar Deve”l and is described as “A toolbar for use with internal Wolfram web sites.” No options. Is this the correct toolbar?
Yes, a Blackberry application would be a great help and I’m sure widely used amongst Blackberry-ers!
I use your tool bar in firefox and find it great. It is a great shame that you don’t have a BlackBerry app . I am on the road a lot and use my 9700 a lot more than my laptop.
Hi Andy, Thank you for the feedback. Have you used the Wolfram|Alpha mobile page with your Blackberry? Here’s the link:
Thanks for developing the Wolfram|Alpha mobile page. I use a Blackberry and it is very easy to use.
Firefox toolbar add-on is unable to be downloaded…
Almost considering returning my blackberry to get an Android just for the mobile app.
Wolfram alpha would be a brilliant app for blackberry!….Guys plz make one for the BB platform
We would really appreciate a Blackberry app….just so ya know….I have moneyz?
Please release Wolfram Course Assistant Apps for the Blackberry Playbook. I love Wolfram and my Blackberry tablet and having them both together would be amazing.