You see the work of the Wolfram|Alpha developers every time you query.
We thought you would enjoy hearing some of them describe their roles and share their thoughts about the Wolfram|Alpha project.
Both interviews interesting. First interview highlighted how labour intensive it is to put some data into a form compatible with W|A.
Second interview gave a hint how building personal relationship with other organisations is a part of W|A.
Presentation in Utube format much better than Webcast. Even with relatively low bandwidth (500kb) I just clicked on the Play icon and away it went. Did not even need a link.
What i have missed from wolfram, was more basic nutritional data from basic vegetables. Adding a plum tomato to a green pepper.
Wolfram|Alpha is a great piece of work and giving insight in how you folks work and what drives you is totally awesome. You are giving a great service to the world public. Thanks.
Seems like a really fun place to work. It does, however, seem to lack the personality that places like Google and Facebook have. I guess there’s a big difference between a group of mathematicians and a group of web programmers.
I really think the rise of wolfram | Alpha has been meteoric.
It really has been throughout the blogosphere.
and when I used It,I wasn’t disappointed.
Its really more than a search engines,its actually not.
It actually gives you the exact results that you need and while sometime that might not work but on majority of occasions.
And this Is what actually makes the Alog different from other competing websites.
Its really the accuracy that sets Wolfram | Alpha aside from the crowd.
The scale of Wolfram | Alpha Is really what makes It great from physics,chemistry,maths,geography,medicines to companies and finance.
Its just a great piece of Code.
Awesome resource in the making here. Just hope that one of the Mega corporations like Microsoft or Google does not swallow up this great company.
I used to work for a great small software comapny which Motorola bought out, and strangled the will of the people who worked there.
Very interesting clip. It is great to see the developers featured in this way.
[…] interviews with Wolfram|Alpha team members can be found in Part 1 and Part 2 of this video series. Posted by The Wolfram|Alpha Team delicious | digg | […]