Our teams have been working steadily for a long time to make Wolfram|Alpha successful. The content development team is one of the most essential groups in this process. All of us are still pushing to get the best information into Wolfram|Alpha for our users. These photos show some of the content developers during the launch weekend. Thanks to all who have helped!
Love the site! Please add aroma molecules to your database; it will open up the world of flavor and fragrance to consumers and professionals alike.
Yes, absolutely; in fact, whyever stop there — why don’t you hire Luca Turin to make the end-user’s computer emit the corresponding fragrance in response to the proper input? Turin showed during his scintillating TED presentation that he is the hands-down master of fragrance chemistry, and surely, with the unprecedented and insurmountable assemblage of knowledge that Wolfram|Owlpha has already amassed, the computer part is a cinch! Go for it! You can do it!
Keep up the great work guys!! I’m also excited to see that it’s pretty much an all Mac shop, w00t!!
Awesome keep doing the good work! Where can I get one of those awesome wolfram skins? XD They look sweeeet. Keep going!
Hi, I have been tracking wolfram alpha for many months. And I am excited to see it live now. For the content developers I would like to say that, it would be very helpful to give stock quotes and company details of some rapidly developing countries like India. These information along with realtime stock price is available. Thus source would not be a problem. If proper attention is payed into this category Wolframa|Alpha would be the favorite place for investors who are looking to learn the technical and fundamentals of stock.
Ok, as much as I love your service, I think it’s time to ask you to limit your devotion to blog articles about your dev team, and interviews with team members. Of course it’s entirely up to you, but you risk losing a blog reader, unless I get details I really care about, such as new features, smart search queries, etc.
Would love to be a part of that time. Haha.
Oh yeah….where can I get a sticker like that?
We want stickers…. !!!!
WOLF_ RAM IT … feels like The Wolf in Ram’s clothing !
Prediction: 10 years … it will change math in the classroom … . I sure hope so!
… also it will change the way we ” google ” . The kids in my math classes know … ” How to Wolf it” ! … and if the syntax is wrong Ram it!
My students have started to use wolframalpha to plot graphs and help with finding prime factors (mature people, basic maths). All have clocked that its a help and a way of exploring rather than a super-calculator. I agree with Paul: this will be big in education.
Hey, great job guys.
We are fascinated here in Ukraine of what you did
Nice laptops
Thank you for all the releated person of wolfram/alpha
I am first time visitor, liked the site, i would like to congratulate the team. I would like to point out a small mistake I happened to notice, today’s temperature in Bangalore was shown as 40 degrees C, it never gets that hot here, and today it could not have been more than 30 degrees.
Are there plans or considerations to allow the public to add data to the system? I’m not thinking for myself particularly (there’s already more data in there than I know what to do with), but it seems that as you grow and/or find competition in this arena, a distributed, wiki-style data entry system would scale better.
Very nice
I love wolffram alphe it is the best social network
I like Wolfram|Alpha very much! Because from now on, I can solve complex math problems without the help of software like MatLab and Mathematica, if only I can get access to the Internet!
I need help with a math problem.
A volcano is 30,000 ft high. It rises out of the ocean. It contains 10,000 cu miles of water. What is the circumference of the volcano at the bottom?