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Stephen Wolfram’s Q&A Webcast Now Available Online

September 23, 2009 —
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Stephen Wolfram shared his thoughts and answered many of your questions about Wolfram|Alpha, Mathematica, and his scientific research in his live webcast on Thursday, September 17.

In case you missed it, you can check out a recording of the September 17, 2009 webcast and Stephen’s June 4, 2009 webcast on our new streaming server.

Thanks for participating and submitting great questions. We look forward to sharing more with you in future web events.


Thanks for answering my questions fairly well. Though you side stepped the part about us Home Edition users getting full 64 bit soon. I am hoping the tight sharing with W/A and Mathematica 8 you shared will be fully there for a Home Edition upgrade. Keep it up.

Posted by Andrew Meit September 23, 2009 at 10:33 pm

The video is unwatchable on my PC with I think 500mbs internet connection. It runs for a few seconds at a time then halts for a few seconds to catch up.
With other videos I have been able to let them run for a while then drag the slider back to the beginning after which they play normally.
I have also been able to identify the downloaded video file in my Temporary Internet Files and copy it to my desktop. I will try that later.
Please can you make it available as an avi or wmv type file or something equally common. It might also be useful to make it available as a sound file with wav format. There seems to be little need for the video aspect.

Posted by Brian Gilbert September 24, 2009 at 9:05 am

Lovely video as usual with Wolfram. One thing to improve: audio quality could be better, it’s a bit painful over my stereo with all the distortion.

Posted by A. Coward September 24, 2009 at 10:21 am

Okay, this is totally off topic, but it just struck me as i was watching the video that Stephen Wolfram looks like an older Heath Ledger. Doesn’t he? C’mon, you know he does.

That having been said…I applied for a developer key some time back and haven’t heard ANYTHING back…any chance of being able to do some preliminary W|A development soon?


Doug Boude

Posted by doug boude September 24, 2009 at 10:51 am

In the top right hand corner of the Blog Page it has a panel inviting people to watch the original webcast on Justin TV. I can watch that if I wait for it to load. Please could you do this webcast the same way.

Posted by Brian Gilbert September 24, 2009 at 1:55 pm

THat it soo cool! i love this, much better than google ^^

Posted by Frannie September 24, 2009 at 5:48 pm

Russell Smith posted to two months ago that the API was almost finished and he’d be happy to discuss usage, whereupon he seems to have terminated his subscription to the forum, which means he gets no questions….

Is stephentube THE source for information or will the folk who requested access to the API eventually hear from WA?

Posted by Marc September 24, 2009 at 6:43 pm

Fantastic Q&A. I was delighted to hear Stephen give his thoughts on the Singularity and mining the computational universe. Very exciting stuff.

Posted by Michael September 29, 2009 at 6:06 am

I am extremely amazed by your work!
Keep it up I would say! 😀

Posted by Bart September 30, 2009 at 9:31 am

Thw webcast is still not watchable at low connection speeds. This is bad for W|A as it conflicts with the idea that it can use all its algorithms. It obviously knows how to display a video file in umpteen formats so why please fix it so that I can download the webcast as an avi or wmv file?
The content of the webcast is important to me in my aim to help W|A grow. It would be easy to believe that little progress is being made so it is heartening to learn just where progress is being made. I am happy for the moderator to choose not to place this post on the blog but rather to direct it to those concerned in fixing it.

Posted by Brian Gilbert October 4, 2009 at 5:29 am

Edit to fix my typos
Thw webcast is still not watchable at low connection speeds. This is bad for W|A as it conflicts with the idea that it can use all its algorithms. It obviously knows how to display a video file in umpteen formats so please fix it so that I can download the webcast as an avi or wmv file.
The content of the webcast is important to me in my aim to help W|A grow. It would be easy to believe that little progress is being made so it is heartening to learn just where progress is being made. I am happy for the moderator to choose not to place this post on the blog but rather to direct it to those concerned in fixing it

Posted by Brian Gilbert October 4, 2009 at 5:30 am